Well, you know the rest...
Hollywood Studios by Numbers... GO!
Time park opened: 9:00 am
Approximate arrival time: 10:30 am ish
Average wait time for Toy Story Mania at 10:30 am ish: 70 minutes
Average wait time for Toy Story Mania at 10:35 am ish: 100 minutes
Number of Fast Passes available for Toy Story Mania at 10:35 ish: 0
-- Lunch time! 3 mini glasses of champagne later... --
Average wait time for Toy Story Mania at 1:30 pm: 160 minutes
Number of times we wondered why people were so hung up on this ride: 15
Number of times we realized that there really wasn't anything else to do in this theme park: 20
Number of Brazilian tour groups walking through the theme park today in matching t-shirts: 6
Number of them that spoke English: 0
-- Dinner time! --
Number of people the Fantasmic Theater can comfortably seat: 9,500
Number of seats left an hour before the 8:00 pm show: 0
[walks back over to Toy Story Mania]
Average wait time for Toy Story Mania at 7:15 pm: 100 minutes
[walks back to Fantasmic for Standing Room Only]
Number of other people and strollers in line for Standing Room Only: 500
[cuts out of Fantasmic early]
Average wait time for Toy Story Mania at 8:30 pm: 100 minutes
Actual time spent waiting in line for Toy Story Mania at 8:30 pm: 60 minutes
Average length of ride itself: 2 minutes
Number of points I beat M by: 5,000 (ha ha)
Average time spent waiting in line for Toy Story Mania at 9:35 pm: 75 minutes
Park closes: 10:00 pm
Good... freakin'... Lord...
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