A photo, taken by moi, must be uploaded for each day of the year starting August 12, 2010. The project will end on August 12, 2011, the day of my 30th birthday.
Accepted photos can be taken with anything from an iSight web cam, to my mobile phone, to our DSLR.
One photo per day. If I took more than one cool shot, you'll be directed to a hotlink to my Google Photo Albums.
Self portraits are accepted as long as I am the one that took the photo of myself. (Needless to say, you won't see very many of them.)
Contributors are welcome, but will not count toward my daily photo credit. If you'd like to contribute, please email me.
Subject matter can vary. There are no themes. You will not see a year of dance photos. (Although, this IS what I spend my spare time doing.)