
Meet Ben...

Ben is my third (er, second now) instructor. Yes - I'm that complicated of a student that I needed three guys to teach me. (And one is already running away screaming. ;) )

Anyway - there was a bit of mystery to him in my ballroom circle, so - tadah!

No - he's not that short. I'm standing on something.


Memorial Day is a Wonderful Day for Pie!

And BBQ...
And for speakers that you have no idea what you are going to do with...
And leftover Mexican food...
And jet lag...

But not for good byes... today is not a good day for good byes. :(


No Sleep Til Brooklyn (Bridge)

This was my last "tourist spot" on the schedule before I headed home. It was nice to be E's shadow for the weekend, rather than a lost tourist. I felt I got a different sense of the city since I wasn't spending my entire trip in Manhattan.


Hello Broadway!

Lots of fun seeing "Harry Potter" sing and dance on a Broadway Stage. Now, all I'm going to think about when I see the 2nd half of Book 7 on screen is his dance routine in Brotherhood of Men. Yikes!


OoO: Why I Love NYC...

OoO: Out of Order...

With limited access to WiFi, I didn't have a whole lot of time to post. So, here is a photo dump. More on Facebook.

These guys in Union Square cracked me up...


What a blast...

Spotlight contingent in the house... good times, and many drinks (for some) and dances.

Now hear all the ladies scream on in this one... :P


My Own Cuties!!

I planted a Mandarin tree in our backyard about 2 years ago. It's just NOW bearing fruit... squee!



Danced the night away to some 80s tunes and discovered I wasn't the only one sporting pink. Bring on the rapture. :P

Still trying to figure out why I was told I should wear outfits like this more often...


Starting a trend...

I've been noticing that I tend to take photos of flowers when I'm under a great deal of stress or sad. All of these good-byes this month are really starting to get to me...


Hey Ladies!

If you were surrounded by all this fabulousness, you'd be excited too...


Downtown Jasmine

I'm sure some homeless person has peed on them at some point. But they still manage to smell nice.


My BFF for the week

This was caffeinated drink number 4 today.
I also had my normal cup of coffee in the morning, a cup of green tea, a double tall latte, and a diet Coke.

Hello, Tech Week!
And I'm still tired. Thank goodness for a day off tomorrow...


Hooray! My car is officially old!

I may or may not have been driving around for 45 minutes after I left the dance party tonight. But it's a lot better than my Justin/Hubert tango photo fail.


Okay, I have shoes.

Maybe I'll actually make it to a ballet class once or twice this summer...