
If I click my heels three times...

Okay - lesson learned. My IPod doesn't import the text that I type when I send a photo in via email. Bleh.

But other than that, it's a neat little toy. This was taken outside with the IPod's Hipstamatic App. Basically, it turns my IPod camera in to a 1970s SRL with some really old school flashes and filters. And of course, the really unpredictable results.

I know, it's a blurry, grainy photo. Now does this make sense? (Of course, I'm still getting used to the IPod camera placement, so part of this may be user error...)



What I spent most of the day looking at...

I'm so sick of running a virtual machine. It took me an hour to get my Outlook 2007 up and running... and then it proceeded to crash after 5 minutes of use. Nothing wants to open. I don't want to lose all my emails, but I really just want to start over and wipe everything clean.


Dance, Dance, Dance...

Where I spend a majority of my time. At the studio I mean... not on the ground, or at this view point. (Only because I KNOW somebody will make a comment about this...)


Heartstrings pulled...

"Until there are none, adopt one."

M and I walked around the Sacramento SPCA because we're hoping to expand our furry family. (If... Lucy will allow us to...)

We played with kitties for a bit and went through the dog runs to say hello to the residents. So many good dogs and cats out there. Here's hoping they find homes.



I kinda chased this guy all over the Capitol Tower apartments for about 5 minutes. And then got followed by some strange guy as I tromped through the bushes.



First you don't see it... now you do!

Lots of thick fog this morning. Which is weird. It's been 80 degrees out here for the last week. Was there that much moisture in the air to cause entire buildings in downtown to disappear? Guess so...


It's not "street" enough...

Somehow, Natomas has figured out how to contain graffiti to a controlled environment. I don't know how this system functions, or if anyone can just cover up the previous display of art, or why it's coupled with a creepy eyeball sculpture on a stick (see below), but, hey, whatever works!

I pass this thing daily. I've seen everything from an American flag, to Spongebob, unintelligible musings, and a mural by a local Daisy troupe.

I guess standing right in front of it should have prompted me to actually read what's in the book. But um, you can stand there for too long without getting freaked out. Just look at this thing.


An Elephant Never Forgets...

Maybe it's just lack of sleep or delirium, but for some reason I found this new sign at Trader Joe's to be really funny...


WTF (What's the Foto...) Friday

Since some of my readers like games... here's something else for your entertainment/amusement.

I like taking extreme close ups of objects. That's a given. So, I'll designate Friday to be "Guess the Macro source" day. I'll take an extreme close up of something on Friday, post it, and y'all can guess what I'm taking a photo of. Bonus points if you can tell me where I took the photo.

This one is easy. Now before you state the obvious answer, be more specific. (I.E. what's the source?)

Hopefully this will also control the amount of macros I do take. By limiting them to Fridays only, I'll have to find other subject matter on all the other days of the week.



A Good Business Investment?

This was also an exercise in learning to "shoot from the hip." I went into stalker mode, waited for the attendant to turn his back, and *snap.* Avoided any awkward questions. "Excuse me sir, can I photograph your... hot dog?" (Oh, grow up!)

Seriously though... this is downtown for you.


We are the Champions

Normally my dance photos are a bit better, but I wasn't going to lug our SLR to the Station tonight. And frankly, I just wanted to watch them dance.

The Station is a west coast swing venue on Tuesday nights. And the nights I seem to head out there seem to have a good crowd. I have been told that the Champion dancers (or pros) head out there once in while.

So in the photo above is Melissa Rutz dancing with Nick King. The photo below is Tatiana Mollman, dancing with Chuck Brown. Just some celebrities in the west coast swing world who happened to join us this evening. Fabulous.

I wish I could have watched them a bit more. But - it's a work night. And I need sleep.


Every photo has a story...

Except I'm not really sure what this story is... so I edited it in Picasa's Picnik to give it sort of an edge, or something. (Poor emo breakfast sandwiches.)

I mean, why else would someone leave a ton of Starbucks' uncooked breakfast sandwiches and yogurt parfaits on the corner of 5th and L St all this morning?

Yeah, I'm confused too. No, I did not put them there.

I <3 Downtown!


What I Did All Weekend...

Cleaned closets. Found crap I don't need or want anymore. Gave everything a price. Scheduled a yard sale. Jen=tired. X_x

But still wondering if I should mark up our old digital cameras higher. ($10 seems awful cheap.) Then again, each are at least 5 years old or more.


Remembering then...

Today is a bit of a thoughtful day. I won't go on recollecting about where I was nine years ago, like everyone on Facebook this morning. But, you can't help but be a little pensive.

On a completely different note, here is Lucy playing with a straw.


What the Hell??

THESE are my last seven letters??? Ugh... all high value, semi-obscure consonants and no open vowels anywhere on the board. FML. At least I'm winning... though, maybe not for long.

In all seriousness, this is my current obsession. Whoever said video games kill brain cells hasn't experienced video Scrabble. (Or - Words with Friends.) If anything, I've found more creative ways to use the letter "Q."

By the way, if you'd like to play, look for user name starla487. :)


Feels like fall

Finally! I welcome the opportunity to drink hot coffee in the middle of the afternoon, wear sweaters and scarves during the day, and the ability to stop my allergy meds. (Ugh... hay fever was BAD this year.)

I love the colors, the scent in the air, and crunching of leaves.

And Halloween costume shopping. :)

Though - I'm sad that the Farmer's Market over here is going to stop at the end of the month. So I bought a pumpkin as a souvenir.


Because "Stormy Weather's" lyrics were too depressing...

I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin',
Singin' in the rain


Return of the Houseguest

Momma bird is back, but she's changed flower baskets. :( So, we'll have eggs, yet again, in our flowers.

I can't really see the appeal. We have sprinklers in all of our hanging baskets that completely saturate at around 3:00 in the afternoon. Does she enjoy sitting in a wet nest??? How is this healthy?

No, I'm not expecting anyone to answer that...


Labor Day BBQ

*sigh* Is summer really over? Not that I enjoy 100+ degree days, but seriously! I broke out the sweaters and jackets one too many times within the last 3 months.

Now a more important question - cheese, or no cheese? ;)


Hardly a quiet day...

Granted I didn't have a lot of interesting subjects to shoot this morning, this project is meant to have really interesting photos, and photos of mundane things that you try make look more interesting.

I spent the day cleaning, dreaming of paint colors for our office, getting frustrated with dance, and trying to make my useless knowledge worth while at trivia. Not really things I can photograph. M asked what would be my default photo if I couldn't capture anything spectacular. Well, Lucy is one subject. Food is another. Ceilings - if I can snag them. And finally, nature.

So - here is our baby maple tree that I hope will turn orange soon. Because it's September, y'all. And still 90 degrees out.


Maybe, some day...

Pensive kitty thinks, "Some day, I'll be a leopard. I already have spots!"

It's shots like these that make me wonder if my next Project 365 should be dedicated to the antics of Lucy.

Because where else could I record photo gems like this?

{Pick me! Pick me!}



Something new and fun to play with this weekend. :)

I'll also be installing Windows 7 on Bootcamp, along with Office. Hopefully this will make the processes at work less painful.

I also upgraded iTunes, which I'm not sure I like yet. It plays music just fine, but why do I need another social network that no one uses? (see: Buzz, Wave, LinkedIn...)


Sunrise, Sunset

I spent 7.5 hours of my day creating last minute web pages for a web launch that was supposed to happen this morning. Spent another 2 listening to a financial adviser talk to me about life insurance. Wasted another hour driving out to Arden Mall's Apple Store, because for some reason, I thought the new IPod Touch would be there. (Not for another 2-3 weeks...) I got home at 7:45 pm. I had Taco Bell for dinner. My foot is sore and swollen, still.

Today sucked.

But at least I got to see a cool sunset.